Adults in Minnesota – How to Get ADHD Testing

Are you an adult in Minnesota struggling with symptoms of ADHD and looking to get a diagnosis? This guide provides an overview of the steps involved in finding ADHD testing services as an adult in Minnesota. Get Familiar with Adult ADHD Symptoms. Probably the first step to getting tested for adult ADHD is learning for yourself about all of the …

What is it like to start group therapy?

It takes some courage to “jump in” and join a therapy group. Anyone that has been to group therapy, and then tried to explain it to others, can recognize how challenging it can be to communicate the experience to others. It is kind of like explaining swimming to someone that has never gotten in the water themselves. No matter how …

How to successfully fail at overcoming anxiety

This article explains why trying to overcome anxiety will usually backfire. We will also explore how to face your anxiety in a way that actually reduces it. How does overcoming anxiety backfire? In reality, working to overcome anxiety often backfires. The more I try to get rid of my anxiety, the more I tend to have it. It is similar …